Audi Q3 2.0 TFSI quattro 170PS (2013, 2.0L)

0 g/km
0 cc

About Audi Q3 2.0 TFSI quattro 170PS (2013, 2.0L)

The Q3 - 2.0 TFSI quattro 170PS is a vehicle manufactured by AUDI in the year 2013. It is equipped with a manual transmission type, specifically QM6. The engine of this vehicle has a size of 1984cc or 2.0L, and it runs on petrol fuel. The urban fuel efficiency of this vehicle is measured at 29.7 miles per gallon (MPG), while the extra-urban MPG is 46.3. In combined driving conditions, it achieves a fuel efficiency of 38.7 MPG. The CO2 emissions of this vehicle are recorded at 174 grams per kilometer (g/km). The vehicle also emits CO, THC, and NOx emissions, with values of 239 mg/km, 42 mg/km, and 33 mg/km, respectively. The noise level produced by this vehicle is measured at 74.0 decibels (dB(A)). It complies with the Euro standard 5 and is placed in the ED band H.

Emissions Summary

This vehicle emits CO2 at a rate of 174 grams per kilometer (g/km), as well as CO, THC, and NOx emissions at rates of 239 mg/km, 42 mg/km, and 33 mg/km, respectively. These emissions contribute to the overall environmental impact of the vehicle.

Emissions Data

Name Value
CO2 Emissions 174
CO Emissions 239
THC Emissions 42
NOx Emissions 33

Miles Per Gallon

Name Value
MPG (Combined) 38.7
MPG (Urban) 29.7
MPG (Extra-Urban) 46.3

Vehicle Details

Name Value
Model Q3
Year 2013
Description 2.0 TFSI quattro 170PS
Transmission Manual
Transmission Type QM6
Engine Size (litres) 2.0
Engine Size (cc) 1984
Fuel Petrol
Noise Level 74.0
Euro Standard 5
VED Band H