Citroen C3 Picasso VTi 120 EGS6 (2013, 1.6L)
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About Citroen C3 Picasso VTi 120 EGS6 (2013, 1.6L)
The C3 Picasso - VTi 120 EGS6 is a vehicle manufactured by CITROEN in the year 2013. It has an automatic transmission with AMT6 type. The engine size of this vehicle is 1560 cc or 1.6 L. It runs on petrol fuel. The MPG (miles per gallon) for urban driving is 35.3, for extra-urban driving is 58.9, and the combined MPG is 47.1. With regards to emissions, it has a CO2 emission rate of 137 g/km, CO emissions rate of 576 mg/km, THC emissions of 65 mg/km, and NOx emissions of 15 mg/km. The noise level produced by this vehicle is 73.9 dB(A). It complies with Euro standard 5 and falls under the ED band E.
Emissions Summary
The C3 Picasso - VTi 120 EGS6 has a CO2 emission rate of 137 g/km, which indicates the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per kilometer driven. It emits CO (carbon monoxide) at a rate of 576 mg/km, THC (total hydrocarbon) at a rate of 65 mg/km, and NOx (nitrogen oxides) at a rate of 15 mg/km. These emissions contribute to air pollution and can have detrimental effects on human health and the environment.