Daihatsu Terios J210 1.5L EFi S 4WD (2010, 1.5L)

0 g/km
0 cc

About Daihatsu Terios J210 1.5L EFi S 4WD (2010, 1.5L)

The Terios - J210 1.5L EFi S 4WD is a vehicle manufactured by Daihatsu. It was released in the year 2010 and features a manual 5-speed transmission. The engine has a size of 1495 cc or 1.5 liters and runs on petrol. The vehicle provides a fuel efficiency of 29.1 MPG in urban areas, 40.4 MPG on extra-urban roads, and a combined MPG of 35.8. With regards to its emissions profile, it emits 185 g/km of CO2, 511 mg/km of CO, 26 mg/km of THC, 5 mg/km of NOx, and a total of 31 mg/km of THC + NOx. The noise level produced by the vehicle is measured at 71.1 dB(A).

Emissions Summary

The Terios - J210 1.5L EFi S 4WD has a CO2 emission level of 185 g/km, indicating its carbon footprint. It emits 511 mg/km of CO, which contributes to air pollution. In terms of hydrocarbon emissions, it releases 26 mg/km of THC. The vehicle has relatively low NOx emissions, measuring at 5 mg/km. When considering both THC and NOx emissions together, the Terios emits 31 mg/km of THC + NOx.

Emissions Data

Name Value
CO2 Emissions 185
CO Emissions 511
THC Emissions 26
NOx Emissions 5
THC + NOx Emissions 31

Miles Per Gallon

Name Value
MPG (Combined) 35.8
MPG (Urban) 29.1
MPG (Extra-Urban) 40.4

Vehicle Details

Name Value
Model Terios
Year 2010
Description J210 1.5L EFi S 4WD
Transmission Type M5
Engine Size (litres) 1.5
Engine Size (cc) 1495
Fuel Petrol
Noise Level 71.1