Porsche Panamera 4 PDK (2014, 3.7L)

0 g/km
0 cc

About Porsche Panamera 4 PDK (2014, 3.7L)

The Panamera - 4 PDK is a vehicle manufactured by PORSCHE. It was released in the year 2014 and features an automatic transmission with a transmission type of A7. The vehicle has an engine size of 3605 cc or 3.7 L and runs on petrol fuel. The Panamera - 4 PDK has a combined fuel efficiency of 32.5 MPG, with 24.8 MPG in urban areas and 39.8 MPG in extra-urban areas. It emits 203 g/km of CO2, 324 mg/km of CO, 42 mg/km of THC, and 8 mg/km of NOx. The noise level produced by the vehicle is measured at 73.0 dB(A), and it adheres to Euro standard 5 with an ED band of K.

Emissions Summary

The Panamera - 4 PDK has CO2 emissions of 203 g/km, which contribute to its overall emissions profile. It also emits 324 mg/km of CO, 42 mg/km of THC, and 8 mg/km of NOx. These emissions levels are in accordance with the Euro standard 5, indicating its compliance with environmental regulations and standards.

Emissions Data

Name Value
CO2 Emissions 203
CO Emissions 324
THC Emissions 42
NOx Emissions 8

Miles Per Gallon

Name Value
MPG (Combined) 32.5
MPG (Urban) 24.8
MPG (Extra-Urban) 39.8

Vehicle Details

Name Value
Model Panamera
Year 2014
Description 4 PDK
Transmission Automatic
Transmission Type A7
Engine Size (litres) 3.7
Engine Size (cc) 3605
Fuel Petrol
Noise Level 73.0
Euro Standard 5
VED Band K